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Midweek Magic is a weekly event from Tuesdays to Thursdays in MTG Arena where players can enjoy casual games of online Magic in many formats with no entry cost. Players can earn individual card rewards (ICRs) and in-game cosmetics for wins. This week is time for Alchemy
Event Information
Bring your Alchemy-legal decks! Going first is always such a treat, but we all have to go second sometimes. To help smooth things out, the player who goes first will have their first land enter the battlefield tapped. Just take it easy for a turn!
- Start: March 11, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. PST
- End: March 13, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. PST.
- Format: BO1 Alchemy
- Entry Fee: Free
- 1 Win: Rare Individual Card Reward
- 2 Wins: Rare Individual Card Reward
- 3 Wins: One Random Cosmetic Item
First of all, thank you for your wonderful support during the last week. Our Pauper Guide has been very successful, thanks to you and all the amazing people who shared decklists on our Reddit post!
Alchemy just got new cards, and the metagame is wild out there; however, I firmly believe that many decks can be steady enough to fight in the wilderness of this new meta.
Slow Start makes aggro mirrors very interesting, and slower decks have an advantage if they go second against aggro. Many would think that midrange has an advantage, but the truth is that this rule impacts aggro going first heavier than other archetypes.
Despite this, I'm sure you will face many aggressive decks, so let's share some aggro decklists, too. Despite the rules, it may help you finish the event faster. Let's do our best! We hope we got all you covered with the next decklists and that you find something that fits your playstyle.
Boros Mice
One of the advantages of Alchemy is how a few weeks after a set releases, some archetypes can receive support that catapult the strategy considerably.
Brave Meadowguard and Recruit Instructor are clear examples of that.
If we add Valiant Emberkin and Three Tree Battalion to the equation, playing Boros Mice became a true option over the classic Mono Red with Heartfire Hero, Emberheart Challenger, and Manifold Mouse.
Gruul Dinosaurs
Fuel Tank Feaster is an amazing card. This iteration of Gruul just play two copies, but I think playing a full set is something we have to try more due to the effectiveness it have on Gruulzilla, another iteration of Gruul Dinos.
The true star in this deck is Stalwart Speartail. If you don't kill this with removal spell, one or two triggers may be enough for putting yourself in troubles against dinosaurs.
Is not needed to say Regal Imperiosaur revive this archetype. But it clearly does, and in a big way! Now you may face more than one iteration of Gruul Dinos, and both are strong for competing against anyone.
Selesnya Rabbits
Another tribe that week after week pushes for being relevant in Standard. And it has gotten some results from time to time.
In Alchemy things are different. Just as the other popular tribes, Selesnya got reinforcements in form of Buxton, Decorated Host, a card that push the pedal to the metal making your army of rabbits wider quick.
With Emmara, Voice of the Conclave, and Three Tree Battallion also helping this archetype, Rabbits is a true force to be recokend in Alchemy. TTB is in my opinion the best card from A25.
The control deck of the format. There are some advocates of UW Control doing their best for making it work. However, Grixis Heist is a powerful deck that take the place as the best Control deck in the format for a big margin.
In this adjusted format deck playing cards like Triumphant Getaway that requires time are favored. Without aggro pressing the offensive during the first turn, midrange and control, gain a big advantage when going second.
In any case, even in regular Alchemy, Grixis Heist have tools and many chorus cards to stall the game to a point where the enchantment is going to drain your opponents or you kill them with their own threats.
If you like control, this is your choice.
Orzhov Bats
Sanguine Soothsayer is what makes this deck interesting to me. Conjuring free buffed Sanguine Bond even if it is in the top fifteen cards of your deck seem powerful to me.
Same is true for Golden Sidekick, an amazing two-drop that can help you a lot gainst faster aggro decks where life and having bigger creatures is extremly relevant.
Having redundancy with Sanguine Soothsayer and Enduring Tenacity makes this deck one of the best creature decks against other creature decks. You gain life while your opponent loses theirs while you concentrate your self in combat.
Azorius Auras
Mothlight Processionist was what UW Auras needed in Alchemy to be equally good than some other of the tribal decks.
Giving convoke to your enchantments while Gremlin Tamer helps you building your army of gremlins work great for having power-turns. Even if our deck don't have any card above 3-mana cost, having the chance of playing multiple cards and overflow the board for killing your opponent the turn afterward is most of the time enough.
Now just imagine what I just said with Inquisitive Glimmer on your side of the field.
Simic Midrange
Sab-Sunen. Luxa Embodied is almost invincible in Aetherdrift Draft. We obviously have many more answers in constructed, however, playing a deck were we want to ramp our selfs, drawing cards even if Sab-Sunen can attack or block is great!
Is true enough that this list plays a full set of Ornate Imitations. With good cards during the early game as Routeway Moose and Silent Extraction, playing good cards on curve is not a problem for Simic.
In this particular case we should remember that Up the Beanstalk is extremly powerful, and if we can take advantage of it in this format while ramping that is a clear path to victory.
Selesnya Naktamun
Credit where is due. Ths decklist is from my friend Altheriax, and it's creazy.
Instaed of playing Naktamun Shine Again a card that in theory you should see in heavy creature decks, here, Altheriax build the deck for making Dedicated Dollmaker the only card the White enchantment can find.
Thanks to this you may create a copy of Naktamun Shines Again that will start from chapter 1 once again. Then the enchantment will let you find another Dedicated Dollmaker, which starts making the snowball big.
Playing with Duskmourn's overlords is brilliant. Making copies of them give us amazing payoff for our main interaction. And just like Altheriax said, thanks to Naktamun no you have virtually 8 copies of Dedicated Dollmaker, which makes building around it much more easier.
Mono White Naktamun Enchantments
This look like a deck that naturally want to play Naktamun Shines Again[card]. It doesn't have 20+ creatures, but playing the best ones of this archetype and making Naktamun find some works amazingly well.
As far as I know, this archetype is on the rise and having amazing results lately which confirms to me that [card]Naktamun Shines Again is the best card from Aetherdrift Alchemy without a question.
If you opponent let you go to late game, your overflow of tokens can surpass any defenses and block almost eternaly. Also, making copies of some enchantments present in this decklist with Dedicated Dollmaker give you a lot of value, just like this creatures does on the last deck. However, here you have more options to chose from so, choose carefully.
Orzhov Max Speed
As you can see, Naktamun Shines Again is clearly busted and is the main reason White is spiking as a Color in the format.
Here we also have another new cards like Hangerback Assembler. This artifact is also busted. It does so many things for just 1W. Conjuring one Hangerback Walker each turn gives you a lot of time, something that is also more powerful in this Slow Start sub-format.
Hangerback Assembler Max speed ability is another effect that can win the game on its own. Building speed in Orzhov is not hard. You play 1-mana creatures like Gas Guzzler and Nesting Bot that also start your engines and are good for attacking on turn 2. This in combination with your pings from Terrors of the Trackm and Vengeful Bloodwitch let you be on max speed fast.
With Zahur, Glory's Past also making your army wider and Bartolomé del Presidio as a sacrifice outlet, this deck have many tools for being one of the top contenders soon.
End Step
As you can see, there are some defining format cards like Naktamun Shines Again, and Dedicated Dollmaker, which makes the format have a Tendency of playing with or against these cards.
Nevertheless, I hope this article shows enough light over many archetypes that also have a chance for competing at the highest ranks while being fun at the same time.
I hope you got those free rares easily and enjoy the event playtesting this decks. And remember:
Coaching Note
If you don't know my previous work for other DotGG sites or my content on Twitch or Youtube, I would like to tell you that I'm offering coaching services for MTG and Marvel Snap at $15/hour. If you want to contact me, look for me at:
- My Discord
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- Via email: [email protected]
- Twitch or YouTube
Thank you so much for reaching this last paragraph. We are happy to continue our efforts and make playingmtg an amazing source for MTG fans worldwide.
Lastly, and as I always say, don't forget to smile daily; it makes a difference.