MTG Arena Champion Deck Standard - March 18, 2025

MTG Arena Champion Deck: Standard

Five new Champion Standard decks are available in the MTG Arena Store starting March 18, 2025! They are based on the recent Pro Tour Aetherdrift decks that saw success. As with past Store decks, the prices are prorated: you only pay for the cards you don't have in your collection.

However, they can still be quite costly if you plan to purchase the whole deck, as each Rare card can be worth around 295 to 352.5 Gems, and you may have other printings of the card already in your collection. We recommend you copy the decklists and substitute for similar or same cost cards where needed.

Domain Overlords

Cost: 30,548 18,800 Gems

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Jeskai Oculus

Cost: 22,120 13,370 Gems

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Gruul Mice

Cost: 15,680 8,930 Gems

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Golgari Graveyard

Cost: 20,102 14,470 Gems

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Mono-Red Aggro

Cost: 11,656 8,770 Gems

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Articles: 39