MTG Commander Brackets (Beta)

Commander Brackets (Beta)

Updated definitions of Commander Brackets for Magic: The Gathering.

Commander Brackets is a matchmaking system for the Commander (EDH) format devised by Wizards of the Coast and the Commander Format Panel. It allows players to communicate their deck's level of power in friendly matchups, tournaments, websites, apps, and other matchmaking tools.

Currently, players used a mostly arbitrary tiers between 1 and 10 to indicate their deck's power level, and this system looks to more clearly define and standardize them.


There are five Commander Brackets, each one meant to classify a different kind of game experience. Brackets 1, 2, and 3 are different levels of socially focused play. Brackets 4 and 5 are focused on a higher power or even a competitive experience. For each bracket, you'll also find guidance around four kinds of effects that can really impact games, noting where and how you should expect to see them:

  • Two-card infinite combos
  • Extra turns
  • Mass land denial
  • Nonland Tutors

The Game Changers card list is a small list of cards that these brackets refer to and are cards targeted at higher-bracket play.

Bracket 1: Exhibition

Your ultra-casual Commander deck.

  • No cards from the Game Changer list.
  • No intentional two-card infinite combos.
  • No mass land destruction.
  • No extra turn cards.
  • Tutors should be sparse.

Bracket 2: Core

The average current preconstructed deck.

  • No cards from the Game Changer list.
  • No intentional two-card infinite combos.
  • No mass land destruction.
  • Extra turn cards should only appear in low quantities and should not be chained in succession or looped.
  • Tutors should be sparse.

Bracket 3: Upgraded

Beyond the strength of an average preconstructed deck.

  • Up to three cards from the Game Changers list.
  • No intentional early game two-card infinite combos.
  • Extra turn cards should only appear in low quantities and should not be chained in succession or looped.
  • No mass land destruction.

Bracket 4: Optimized

High power Commander. It's time to go wild!

  • There are no restrictions (other than the banned list).

Bracket 5: Competitive (CEDH)

High power with a very competitive and metagame focused mindset.

  • There are no restrictions (other than the banned list).
Articles: 39